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Appealing admissions decisions

Hey there, I was recently denied from my dream school and I'm considering appealing the decision. Has anyone gone through this process before? What are some things I should keep in mind while writing my appeal? I'm a little bit stressed so any help would be great!

a year ago

Hi! I understand that appealing an admissions decision can be a stressful process. While it's true that a successful appeal is often rare, it's not impossible. I'll share some tips and things to consider when writing your appeal:

1. Research the specific appeal process and deadline for your dream school. Each college has its own policies and timelines, so start by understanding their requirements and submitting all necessary documents before the deadline.

2. Clearly express the reason for your appeal. Ground your appeal in a valid reason, such as new information that was not previously included in your application, or an error on your application that might have negatively impacted the decision.

3. Keep it concise and respectful. Recognize that admissions officers have a lot to read, so aim to be clear, direct, and respectful in your appeal. Avoid over-dramatizing your situation or pleading excessively.

4. Highlight your achievements since the application deadline. If you've had any new accomplishments, such as academic awards, extracurricular achievements or increased involvement, mention these in your appeal as they could positively impact the original decision.

5. Provide evidence to support your case. Where applicable, include supporting documents, such as recommendation letters, transcripts, or certificates that can validate your accomplishments or the reason for your appeal.

6. Edit and proofread your appeal. Make sure there are no errors or inconsistencies, as these may undermine your credibility. Ask someone you trust to give you feedback on your appeal before submitting it.

Remember to respect the outcome, even if it's not what you're hoping for. There are many great colleges out there, and your future success does not depend on one specific school. Best of luck with your appeal!

a year ago

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