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SAT: 720 math
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Looking for high school art jobs near me – any tips?

I want to get some experience in high school art teaching before going to college, either through internships or assistant positions. How can I find available opportunities near where I live?

5 days ago

Finding art-related work experience in high school can be a rewarding and insightful journey, especially if you're planning to pursue this field in the future. Here are a few suggestions on how to find those opportunities:

1. Reach out to local schools: Start with the art teachers in your school or nearby schools. They may know about opportunities, or need assistance themselves, like helping with organizing art supplies, setting up the art studio, assisting during classes, or even teaching some small lessons under supervision.

2. Art centers and galleries: Local art centers, galleries, and museums often have educational outreach programs or internships you could apply for. It could involve helping plan art workshops, assisting in art festivals or gallery openings, and gaining firsthand experience on how the art industry operates.

3. Community Centers: Many local community centers hold art-themed classes or workshops for kids and adults. They might need assistants for these programs, which could give you a chance to lead small group classes or assist in creating lesson plans.

4. Network: Reach out to local artists, your art teachers, or art community members you may know. Professionals in the field likely have a pulse on available opportunities, and may even offer opportunities themselves.

5. Online job search: Websites like Indeed or LinkedIn offer search options for internships or part-time job openings. Use specific search terms like "art teaching assistant", "art internship" or "art education."

Remember, not every opportunity will be labeled as a 'job'. Volunteering, interning, or simply assisting in an art class can all contribute to your experience and knowledge of the field. Research all possibilities to expand your search's scope, and don't forget to utilize your network!

5 days ago

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