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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Thoughts on Wharton Essentials of Entrepreneurship program?

Hey everyone! I came across Wharton's Essentials of Entrepreneurship program and I'm wondering if any of you have experience or thoughts on it. Is it worth enrolling in, and how competitive is the admission process for this program? Would it be a good addition to my college apps?

7 months ago

Hey there! The Wharton Essentials of Entrepreneurship program is an excellent opportunity for high school students to learn about entrepreneurship and business from a top-tier institution. It can certainly be a valuable experience, as you'll gain insights into business concepts, develop teamwork and communication skills, and have the chance to network with like-minded students.

As for its competitiveness, getting into the program can be somewhat selective; however, it's not as competitive as other similar pre-college programs. A strong application that showcases your interest in entrepreneurship, extracurricular involvement, and academic achievements will improve your chances of being accepted.

In terms of its impact on your college applications, completing the program can be a nice boost, especially if you plan on pursuing a business-related major. It demonstrates your commitment to learning about entrepreneurship and can be considered a Tier 3 extracurricular activity. However, keep in mind that participating in this program alone won't dramatically improve your chances at highly-selective colleges; you'll still need to maintain a well-rounded profile with strong academics, test scores (if applicable), and additional extracurriculars of higher tiers, such as leadership positions or significant accomplishments.

It's also important not to choose this program merely for the sake of admissions. Ensure that you're genuinely interested in entrepreneurship and view it as a chance to learn valuable skills, network with peers, and explore your passion for business. If you're excited about the program and feel that it aligns with your goals and interests, go for it! It can be a great experience and a valuable addition to your college applications.

7 months ago

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