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Considering game designer careers, what degrees should I pursue?

I'm really interested in becoming a game designer, but I'm not sure what degrees I should aim for in college. Can anyone here shed some light on the subject?

a year ago

Pursuing a degree in game design, computer science, or a related field can certainly set you up for an exciting career in the gaming industry. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Game Design: This is the most direct path, as it focuses on the creation and development of games. Courses often include game mechanics, programming, storytelling, level design, and player experience. Some programs even emphasize management skills for production roles within gaming companies. However, this is a more niche major and thus won't be offered at every school.

2. Computer Science: Many game designers have a background in computer science, which encompasses a broader range of programming languages and techniques. This degree can make you a versatile game designer and open up many career opportunities both within and outside the gaming industry.

3. Software Engineering: Another strong option is a degree in software engineering, which primarily deals with software development and management. This can provide you with a solid foundation for debugging and optimizing game code, as well as understanding project life cycles.

4. Graphic Design and Animation: If visual elements interest you, consider pursuing a degree in graphic design or animation. These programs can provide you with the skills needed to create captivating game art, characters, and environments, as well as animation techniques to bring them to life.

5. Interactive Media: Some schools offer programs in interactive media, which incorporate elements of game design, web design, and mobile app development. This interdisciplinary approach can provide a comprehensive understanding of multiple aspects of game design and development.

6. Mathematics/Physics: While not as directly related to game design, having a strong math background can be beneficial for game designers, especially those focused on developing physics engines or complex algorithms that require advanced mathematical understanding.

Ultimately, the right degree for you depends on your specific interests and goals within the game design industry. It's also worth noting that some colleges and universities offer minors or concentrations in game design within other majors, potentially allowing you to combine disciplines. Gaining experience through internships, personal projects, or collaborating with others on game development can also help bolster your skills and resume and give you a clearer sense of where you want to go professionally.

I hope this helps, and good luck with your academic pursuits in college!

a year ago

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