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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What time do SAT results come out?

Hey everyone! So, I just took the SAT and I was wondering when the scores usually come out? Does it come out at a specific time on the release date, or does it vary? I'm a bit anxious to get my results and want to know when exactly to start checking for my scores. Thank you!

a year ago

Hello! The anticipation of SAT results can be nerve-racking, but don't worry too much. Typically, SAT scores are released about two weeks after the test date. On the release date, the results are usually made available online in the morning, around 8 a.m. Eastern Time, although the exact time might slightly vary.

Keep in mind that scores may continue to be released throughout the day, so if you don't see your scores as soon as they are supposed to be released, don't panic, just check back later. You can continually check your account on the College Board website for updates.

Additionally, you will also receive an email from the College Board when your scores become available on your account. So, make sure you keep an eye on your inbox too. Best of luck with your results!

a year ago

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