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What are the dorms like at Long Island University?

I'm considering Long Island University, but I want to know more about the living situation. Are the dorms nice? What's the social scene like in the residence halls? Any personal experiences would be super helpful!

2 months ago

Long Island University (LIU) has several housing options for students. While I've not personally lived in any of these, I've come across numerous accounts about these accommodations. The Brookville campus (LIU Post) features a selection of on-campus halls, which include single, double and suite-style rooms. Some halls come with notable amenities such as fitness rooms, common lounge areas, and even kitchens in select suites.

The satisfaction with the dorm quality seems to vary among students. Some feel that there's room for improvement when it comes to the condition of the buildings and the furniture. However, others appreciate the variety of housing options available and find the living spaces reasonably comfortable and adequately equipped.

As for the Brooklyn campus, the majority of the students live in apartments and off-campus housing, but there is one student residence hall, the Conolly Hall. The rooms in Conolly Hall are primarily suite-style, with singles, doubles, and triples available. There's a common theme of appreciation for the modernity and cleanliness of the premises. The hall also has some quite desirable amenities including study rooms, communal kitchens, and a game room.

As far as social life in the dorms at both LIU Post and Brooklyn campuses, what seems to be consistent in both is the strong sense of community. Students often organize events, study groups, and casual hangouts together, which can lead to good friendships and a more vibrant college experience.

You might want to note that the social scene can also depend on the specific residence hall as each can have its own unique dynamic. Housing and Residential Life usually organizes several programs and activities to help create a lively and interactive community. These may range from floor dinners to sporting events and study groups.

Remember, visiting the campus and communicating with current students could provide further insight on such aspects of campus life. Reach out to the university or visit if you can - it could give you a sense of whether the housing options at LIU align with what you're seeking. Best of luck with your decision!

2 months ago

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