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Is there an AP African Studies course?

I came across something called 'AP African Studies' while browsing for AP courses. Does it really exist, or is it just a mix-up with another course? I'm really interested in studying African history and culture, so I'd love to know if this is a legit course!

a year ago

Unfortunately, there is currently no AP African Studies course offered by the College Board. It may have been a mix-up or a misrepresentation of another course. However, starting in fall 2024, there will be a new AP course offered called AP African American Studies. You can read up on the launch of this course on the College Board website:

In the meantime, there are a few different ways to explore African history and culture in high school. You could check if your school offers African history as part of its regular curriculum. If not, you might consider taking World History or Human Geography, both of which touch upon African history and culture, albeit not extensively.

Another option is to seek out extracurricular activities and clubs that focus on African history and culture. This could be something like a Model United Nations club that deals with African issues. Alternatively, you could start a new club or organization at your school focused specifically on African studies.

Lastly, if you're really passionate about African history and culture, consider doing an independent research project, signing up for a summer program at a university focusing on African studies, or taking a course at a local community college as an elective. These opportunities would all give you a deeper understanding of the subject, and, as a bonus, would demonstrate your intellectual curiosity to college admissions committees.

In short, while there's currently no designated AP African Studies course, something similar will be available next year, and there are still many ways to learn about and engage with African history and culture during your high school years right now. Good luck in your exploration!

a year ago

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