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Purdue supplementals - what to expect?

I'm applying to Purdue and would love some advice on their supplemental essays. What kind of questions do they usually ask? How can I best approach these to showcase my strengths?

a year ago

Purdue typically asks applicants to respond to a couple of supplemental essay prompts in addition to the Common Application or Coalition Application essay. Here's an overview of what you can expect from Purdue's supplementals and some advice on how to approach them:

1. Why Purdue? - This is a typical "Why this college?" prompt where you need to demonstrate your genuine interest in Purdue and explain why you believe it's the right fit for you both academically and personally. To best approach this essay, research Purdue's programs, resources, and campus culture, and connect them to your goals and interests. Be specific when mentioning courses, clubs, or research opportunities that align with your passions. Also, don't forget to show how you can contribute to Purdue's community.

2. Potential Major/Career Goals - Purdue may ask about your chosen major or intended career path, and why you're interested in pursuing it. This is an opportunity to showcase your passion and knowledge in the field. Explain any relevant experiences, such as courses, internships, research opportunities, or personal projects that have shaped your interest in the major/career. Also, discuss how Purdue's resources and programs can help you achieve your goals.

When approaching these supplementals, remember to:

- Be specific and genuine. Personalize your essays by using concrete examples and anecdotes.

- Showcase your unique qualities, experiences, and perspectives. This helps you stand out from other applicants.

- Keep your responses focused and concise. Stick to the word limits and avoid unnecessary details.

By answering Purdue's supplemental essay questions thoughtfully and authentically, you'll be able to effectively showcase your strengths and demonstrate why you would be a valuable addition to their campus community. Good luck!

a year ago

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