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What are the duties of a high school history teacher?

I'm a big history buff and considering teaching as a career. Can anyone share what the duties of a high school history teacher usually involve? Is it all lecturing, or are there interactive elements too?

4 days ago

The role of a high school history teacher is quite dynamic and involves a combination of various responsibilities. These duties are not just confined to classrooms, but extend to other aspects of student development as well.

A major part of the job is designing and implementing lesson plans, which usually follow a curriculum mandated by the state or the school district. These lessons can involve lectures, but a good history classroom also often involves interactive teaching methods such as group projects, discussions, debates, and simulations of historical events. This helps to bring history to life for students and engages different learning styles.

Then there's the duty of assessing students' progress, usually through assignments, quizzes, and exams. Both preparation and grading of these materials can take a substantial amount of time. You would also provide feedback to students to help them improve their understanding of the material.

Another key responsibility is to maintain a positive learning environment. This might involve managing classroom dynamics, resolving conflicts, and establishing norms of respect and tolerance among students. You'll also often need to adapt teaching methods to meet the needs of individual students, especially those who need extra support or accommodations.

Outside of the classroom, history teachers often hold office hours to cater to students who need additional help. You may also find yourself involved with extracurricular activities like history clubs, academic competitions, or educational trips.

Furthermore, regular communication with parents or guardians is also quite important. This might involve discussing a student's progress, addressing any behavioral issues, or collaborating on strategies to facilitate the student's academic growth.

Lastly, teachers are also students themselves as you're expected to participate in professional development activities, such as workshops, seminars, or continuing education courses, to keep up with the latest pedagogical research and strategies.

In summary, while teaching high school history does involve a fair amount of lecturing, it's an engaging role with a lot of variety and interaction with students.

4 days ago

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