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AP Gov worth taking?

Hey everyone, I'm considering whether or not I should take AP Gov next year. I have a decent course load and I'm interested in the subject, but I'm worried about the workload and balancing my extracurriculars. What are your experiences with AP Gov? Is it worth taking?

a year ago

Hi there! If you're interested in the subject, AP Gov can be a rewarding course to take. The workload varies depending on your school, teacher, and your own personal level of engagement. In general, though, the workload for AP Gov is considered moderate compared to other AP courses, but it's still an AP class and thus does require a significant investment of time and effort.

For many students, taking a challenging course like AP Gov is an opportunity to not only explore their interests but to demonstrate to colleges their willingness to tackle rigorous coursework. In addition, performing well in AP courses can have a positive impact on your transcript in the eyes of admissions committees.

That being said, it's important to maintain balance and not let the workload of this course negatively impact your other obligations or pursuits. Students who have taken AP Gov mention that it involves a lot of reading, writing, and group projects, so it's a good idea to reflect on whether you have the time and energy to commit to the course without feeling overwhelmed.

If AP Gov would take too much time away from your ability to invest in your other courses and extracurriculars, then it's probably not worth it, as then the boost it would provide to your transcript would be outweighed by the detriment to other elements of your application. So, make sure to be honest with yourself about your other commitments and whether you truly have room in your schedule for AP Gov.

Overall, if you're genuinely interested in political science or government-related topics, taking AP Gov can be an enriching experience, but there are time and effort considerations to factor in as well. My best advice is to weigh the pros and cons based on your particular situation and, if possible, talk to your school counselor or current/former students who have taken the course for a better insight into what to expect at your specific school.

Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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