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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Percentage of Asian students at Harvard?

Does anyone know the approximate percentage of Asian students currently attending Harvard? I'm really curious to know the diversity of their student body. Thanks for your help!

a year ago

The percentage of Asian students at Harvard tends to vary slightly from year to year as new students enroll and others graduate. As of the latest available data, though, the approximate percentage of Asian students at Harvard is around 25-27%.

It's worth noting that Harvard, like many top colleges, emphasizes the importance of diversity and strives to maintain a diverse student body that represents all backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. For a more detailed breakdown of the demographics at Harvard, you can visit their website and navigate to their 'student diversity' data under their admissions tab, or explore third-party resources like CollegeVine.

Good luck finding the right college environment for you!

a year ago

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