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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some effective classes for college admissions?

I want to make sure I'm covering the right subjects to prepare for college admissions. Which study topics should I focus on to make sure I'm well-rounded and prepared for college?

a year ago

Focusing on the right subjects is crucial for both college admissions and your overall academic success. Here are some subjects and areas you should consider when preparing for college:

1. Core subjects: English, mathematics, science, and social studies are the four core subjects in most high schools. Schools expect students to take a rigorous course load in these subjects, including honors, AP, or IB courses whenever possible. Aim to do well and challenge yourself in these classes.

2. Foreign languages: Pursuing a foreign language demonstrates your ability to learn complex material, and universities often value applicants with bilingual or multilingual skills. Try to take at least 2-4 years of the same language.

3. Electives: Take diverse electives that showcase your interests and passion. Whether it's art, computer science, music, or journalism, select electives that align with your personal goals and provide additional value to your application.

4. Specialized subjects: If you have a particular academic interest or intended major, it's essential to dive deeper into that area. For example, if you plan to study engineering, consider taking advanced math and science courses, like calculus and physics.

Remember, the key is to balance your course load with subjects that will further your education, but that you also find interesting and engaging. Be sure to check the admissions requirements of colleges you are considering to see the specific classes you need to take to apply to certain schools/programs.

a year ago

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