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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Clarification on the term 'coursework'

Hello everyone! I've come across the term 'coursework' quite often but I'm not exactly sure what it means. Could anybody please clarify its meaning and significance in the context of high school and college academics? Thanks!

a year ago

Hello! I'd be happy to help clarify the term 'coursework' for you. In the context of high school and college academics, coursework refers to the assignments, projects, exams, and other academic work that students complete as part of their classes. It encompasses not just the formal in-class activities but also any homework, independent study, or group projects that you may be assigned to do outside of class time.

The significance of coursework in both high school and college lies in its role as a core component of the learning process. The assignments and projects you complete as part of your coursework help you to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and time management skills. Additionally, your performance in coursework is used by educators to evaluate your understanding of the subject matter and to assign grades.

In the college admissions context, admissions officers will often use your coursework (alongside other factors like GPA, standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, etc.) to determine your academic preparedness and fit for their institution. This means that taking rigorous coursework like advanced or honors classes, and performing well in those courses, can improve your chances of being admitted to competitive colleges.

In summary, coursework refers to the various academic tasks that students complete as part of their classes in high school and college. It helps develop essential skills and plays a significant role in determining your grades and showcasing your academic abilities to college admissions officers.

a year ago

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