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How to improve SAT scores with prep?

Hey, I was wondering how much of an impact SAT prep can have on our scores. Does anybody know the average increase in SAT scores with sufficient prep? What resources did y'all use to see improvement and hit your target scores?

a year ago

Hello! SAT prep can certainly have a positive impact on your scores, and the degree of improvement largely depends on your starting point, the amount and quality of prep, and your personal commitment to the process. On average, students can see a 50-200 point increase with dedicated prep. However, it's essential to remember that each individual's experience may vary.

To maximize your improvement, it's best to use a combination of resources, including study materials, practice exams, and test-taking strategies. Here are a couple of resources to consider:

1. Official SAT Study Guide: This is published by the College Board, the organization that administers the SAT. It includes detailed explanations of the test sections, practice questions, and several full-length practice exams.

2. Khan Academy: They offer a personalized online SAT prep program in partnership with the College Board, which is entirely free to use. This resource provides video tutorials, practice questions, and full-length exams.

3. Prep Books: Some popular SAT prep books include "Barron's SAT" and "Princeton Review's Cracking the SAT." They offer in-depth content reviews, practice questions, and test-taking strategies.

4. Study Groups and Classes: Joining a study group or enrolling in a SAT prep class (either in-person or online) can be helpful for staying disciplined and getting guided instruction.

5. Private Tutoring: Hiring a tutor allows for personalized, one-on-one instruction tailored to your needs, which can be especially helpful if you have specific areas in which you need improvement.

To get the most out of your prep, make sure to follow a consistent study schedule and track your progress over time by taking regular practice exams. Focus on your weaknesses and continue refining your test-taking skills. Good luck on your SAT prep journey!

a year ago

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