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What's the average SAT score for 11th graders?

Hey, I'm a junior and I recently took my first SAT practice test. I'm curious to know what the average SAT score for 11th graders is, so I can gauge where I currently stand. Any information is appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! It's essential to have a point of comparison to assess your SAT practice test performance. While the College Board doesn't release grade-specific average SAT scores, they do provide a national average for all test-takers, which can give you a rough idea of where you stand.

For the 2020-2021 testing year, the mean SAT score was 1051, with an Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW) mean of 528 and a Math mean of 523. Although this number encompasses all test-takers regardless of grade, it can still serve as a starting point for understanding how your practice test score compares.

Keep in mind that your first practice test result may not accurately reflect your potential, as many students improve their scores with consistent test prep, such as studying, taking more practice tests, or engaging in test prep courses. Since you're still a junior, you have time to improve your score and familiarize yourself with the test format and content before retaking the SAT. Focus on identifying your strengths and areas for improvement and develop a study plan to address those needs. Good luck with your test preparation!

a year ago

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