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Best liberal arts colleges for biology?

I'm interested in studying biology at a liberal arts college. Does anyone know which schools have strong programs or departments in biology? Insights into research opportunities or unique course offerings would be super helpful!

4 days ago

Several liberal arts colleges have excellent biology programs.

Starting with Williams College, it is known for a robust biology program accompanied by research opportunities. The program emphasizes independent learning through hands-on lab work. Courses range from Molecules to Ecosystems to Biological Anthropology.

Swarthmore College's Biology department also fosters an intensive research environment while providing a strong foundational curriculum. Topics include Plant Form and Diversity, or Animal Physiology. A unique aspect of the Swarthmore biology program is that students can participate in summer research, often even after their first year.

Carleton College in Minnesota maintains a strong biology department with ample research opportunities for undergraduates through its annual summer research program. Course offerings lean towards applied biology, like Global Change Biology, Conservation Biology, and Biomechanics.

Amherst College, touts a broad biology program with various research opportunities and classes ranging from Evolution to Neurobiology.

Lastly, Bowdoin College in Maine offers not only a typical biology program but also a unique interdisciplinary program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Students at Bowdoin can engage actively in research both during academic semesters and over the summer.

In summary, liberal arts colleges all across the United States have robust biology programs. The research opportunities, course offerings, and faculty expertise are unique for each of these colleges. Spend some time exploring their department pages and perhaps even reach out to their biology department chairs if you have specific questions about their programs. Good luck!

4 days ago

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