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How to build the best high school resume for college applications?

I'm starting to put together my resume for college applications and want to make sure it's top-notch. What should I include to make it stand out to admissions officers? Any tips on format or content would be awesome!

a day ago

Creating a standout high school resume for college applications involves effectively showcasing your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, volunteering experiences, internships/job experiences, and recognitions or awards obtained throughout your high school years. First and foremost, your resume should be easy to read and well-organized. Aim for concise descriptions, bullet points, clear headings, and consistency in font size and layout.

1) Contact Information: Include your full name, email, phone number, and home address.

2) Academic Achievements: Here, you list your high school name, graduation date, GPA, class rank (if favorable and available), and any strong coursework you've completed (such as AP classes). Remember that your transcript will provide a detailed view of your academic history, so focus on the major highlights in this section.

3) Extracurricular Activities: Outlining your extracurricular activities lets colleges understand where your passions lie outside the classroom. As noted by CollegeVine, successful applicants to top colleges usually have 8-10 total extracurriculars. Though many of these might be seasonal, these applicants are highly involved in a few, proving that quality is indeed more important than quantity.

4) Community Service/Volunteer Activities: Colleges value applicants who show a commitment to enriching their communities. When listing your volunteering experiences, illustrate your responsibilities and the impact you made.

5) Internships or Job Experiences: Relevant work experiences prove your ability to succeed in a professional environment. When listing these, explain your role, responsibilities, duration of the job or internship, and any noteworthy accomplishments.

6) Awards and Honors: These could include academic awards, scholarships, art, or sports recognitions.

7) Skills: Include any hard (technical) and soft (interpersonal) skills you possess, such as proficiency in a second language, coding, public speaking, teamwork, or leadership skills.

Remember, your goal is to keep it concise yet comprehensive, ideally no longer than two pages. Also, ensure to check if any of the colleges you're applying to have specific requirements or templates for high school resumes. Good luck with your college applications!

a day ago

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