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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Taking 1-semester AP classes?

Hi there! My school offers some AP classes that only last for one semester. Do colleges view these shorter AP classes as less rigorous or valuable compared to full-year AP courses? Should I focus on taking year-long AP classes instead? Thanks for any input!

11 months ago

Hi! It's interesting that your school offers one-semester AP classes. Generally, colleges value rigor in your course load, which depends on what's available to you at your particular high school. So, if taking shorter AP classes is common at your school, colleges will be aware of that when reviewing your transcript.

In terms of value, it's not necessarily about the length of the AP class but more about the content and how it aligns with your academic goals and interests. It's important to challenge yourself and take rigorous courses in the subjects that you're passionate about or plan to major in. Colleges will appreciate the effort you've put into taking advanced classes, whether they're one-semester or full-year courses.

That being said, if you have the option to choose between a one-semester AP class and a full-year AP class in the same subject area, it might make more sense to opt for the full-year course, particularly if it aligns with your academic interests. For your personal development, a full-year course may dive more deeply into the concepts, and thus present a better opportunity to fully grasp the subject matter. And in terms of college admissions, succeeding in a year-long course obviously shows commitment over a longer period of time.

Ultimately, you should focus on creating a balanced and challenging course load that reflects your strengths and interests, regardless of the duration of your courses. Good luck with finalizing your schedule!

11 months ago

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