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West Coast college football teams

What are some notable West Coast college football teams? I'm a high school junior interested in playing football, and I'm potentially applying to colleges on the West Coast. Any recommendations for schools with good athletic programs and strong football culture would be helpful!

a year ago

There are quite a few notable West Coast college football teams with strong athletic programs and vibrant football cultures. Here are some recommendations, broken down by NCAA Division:

NCAA Division I

1. University of Southern California (USC) - Trojans

2. University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) - Bruins

3. Stanford University - Cardinal

4. University of California, Berkeley (Cal) - Golden Bears

5. University of Oregon - Ducks

6. Oregon State University - Beavers

7. University of Washington - Huskies

8. Washington State University - Cougars

9. Arizona State University - Sun Devils

10. University of Arizona - Wildcats

NCAA Division II

1. Azusa Pacific University - Cougars

2. Western Oregon University - Wolves

3. Dixie State University - Trailblazers

4. Humboldt State University (formerly, now discontinued) - Lumberjacks

NCAA Division III

1. University of Redlands - Bulldogs

2. California Lutheran University - Kingsmen and Regals

3. Chapman University - Panthers

4. Claremont-Mudd-Scripps (CMS) - Stags

5. Whittier College - Poets

6. University of La Verne - Leopards

7. Occidental College - Tigers

8. Pomona-Pitzer - Sagehens

9. Lewis & Clark College - Pioneers

10. Willamette University - Bearcats

Keep in mind that each of these schools has its own unique academic and campus environment, so it's essential to research further and visit campuses if possible. It might also be helpful to reach out to football coaches or current players at the schools you're interested in to get a better sense of what your life as a student athlete would look like there. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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