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Online Medical Terminology Courses for College Credit

I'm looking to take medical terminology online and get college credit for it. Are there any courses you would recommend that offer credit and are recognized by colleges? Any advice would be great!

4 days ago

Several online medical terminology courses are accredited and can provide you with college credit.

One well-known option is through the University of Phoenix, which offers a three-credit Medical Terminology course that is completely online and recognized by a number of institutions. However, it is always advisable to check with your desired college before registering, to ensure they will accept these credits.

Penn Foster College also offers an online medical terminology course for credit. It's a self-paced, online course that can really help you get a grasp on the language used in healthcare.

If you're looking for a more interactive learning experience, many community colleges offer accredited medical terminology courses online as well, so consider checking with the ones near where you live. These may be less expensive and equally recognized by higher education institutions.

Always remember that before enrolling in a course, it's a good idea to check with the college where you plan to use these credits to ensure they will accept them. Also, double-check how the credits translate to your degree. Different institutions have different requirements and equivalencies.

Hopefully, this gives you a good starting point in your search for an accredited online medical terminology course. Best of luck with your studies!

4 days ago

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