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Six-year medical programs after high school? Worth it or not?

Hey everyone, I'm considering applying to some 6-year medical programs right out of high school. Have any of you applied for these programs or know someone who did? What are your opinions on going this route versus the traditional med school path? I'd appreciate any advice!

a year ago

Six-year medical programs can be a fantastic option for certain students, especially those who are highly motivated, have a clear passion for medicine, and are committed to becoming physicians. Here are some pros and cons to help you decide if this path is right for you:


1. Accelerated Path: A six-year program allows you to complete your undergraduate and medical education in a shorter amount of time compared to the traditional eight-year path, saving you two years.

2. Guaranteed Admission: These programs often guarantee admission to medical school upon successful completion of the undergraduate portion. This can alleviate the stress of applying to medical schools during college and allows you to focus on your studies and experiences.

3. Cohort Experience: You'll be part of a relatively small group of students who share a common goal, providing a tight-knit community and support system.


1. Limited Flexibility: Committing to a six-year medical program straight out of high school may limit your opportunity to explore other fields or change your mind about your career. It's essential to be certain about your career choice before entering such a program.

2. Rigorous Curriculum: The accelerated nature of these programs means the curriculum is often more demanding than a traditional undergraduate experience. You'll need to be prepared to work hard and maintain a high level of academic performance.

3. Limited Program Options: There are significantly fewer six-year medical programs than traditional undergraduate institutions, which may mean that you have fewer choices in terms of location or specific program focus.

Ultimately, whether a six-year medical program is worth it depends on your goals and certainty about pursuing a career in medicine. If you're confident in your ambition to become a doctor and are willing to commit to a rigorous, accelerated path, a six-year program could be an excellent choice. On the other hand, if you would like more flexibility to explore different fields or take a more traditional approach to your education, following the traditional pre-med and medical school route might be a better fit.

a year ago

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