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SAT: 720 math
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How does a 'B' in an AP class affect my GPA?

Hi! I'm taking an AP class this year, and I was wondering, if I get a B in the class, how does that affect my GPA compared to a regular class? Is there a difference since it's an AP class?

a year ago

Hello! The impact of a 'B' in an AP class on your GPA depends on your school's specific grading scale and weighting system. In general, AP classes are considered more rigorous than regular classes, so schools often apply a weight to the grades earned in these courses.

Typically, schools use a baseline 4.0 unweighted GPA scale, where A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, and D = 1. In a weighted GPA system, on the other hand, AP courses may be assigned a higher point value. For example, a common weighted scale might assign 5 points for an A in an AP class, 4 points for a B, and so on. So a 'B' in an AP class would be worth 4 points instead of the usual 3 points for a regular class.

To determine how this B affects your overall GPA, you'll need to consider all of the classes you're currently taking, as well as your past grades. You can calculate both your unweighted and weighted GPAs to see how the B in your AP class impacts each. Reaching out to your guidance counselor for your transcript may also be a good idea, as your school may have already calculated your weighted and unweighted GPAs for you, which would save you time and effort.

In terms of college admissions, keep in mind that schools also consider the rigor of your course load when reviewing your application. So even if your GPA is slightly lower due to a B in an AP class, the fact that you've challenged yourself with advanced coursework can still reflect positively on your application. Good luck with your studies, and college coursework!

a year ago

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