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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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Looking for cool club ideas

Sup, y'all. I'm trying to start a new club at my high school. Anyone got suggestions for unique or interesting club ideas that could stand out on college applications? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you want to start a new club at your high school. Here are a few unique club ideas for you to consider:

1. Sustainability Club: Focus on promoting clean energy, reducing waste, and advocating for eco-friendly policies at your school. You could organize events like a school-wide recycling competition or planting a community garden.

2. Cultural Exchange Club: Bring together students from different cultural backgrounds and encourage appreciation for diverse traditions. Host events that explore different cultures' food, music, and customs.

3. Entrepreneurship Club: Help students learn about starting a business and developing their own creative ideas. You can invite local business owners as guest speakers and organize pitches for funding from a panel of teachers or community members.

4. Creative Writing Club: Provide a space for writers to share their work, get feedback, and improve their writing skills. You can organize poetry slams, workshops, or even produce a school literary magazine.

5. Service Dogs Club: Partner with a local service dog organization to train and socialize service dogs. Club members could help take care of the dogs, learn about their training, and educate others about the importance of service animals in the community.

6. Robotics Club: Help students learn about robotics, computer programming, and engineering principles. Build robots and participate in competitions like FIRST Robotics.

7. Film Society: Engage students in filmmaking, from screenwriting to production and editing. Work on short films, documentaries, and other video projects, and possibly host a student film festival.

Whichever club idea you choose, remember that what stands out most to college admissions officers is your genuine passion and commitment to your club, as well as the impact you have on your community. Best of luck!

a year ago

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