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Application essay editing

Hey guys, so I've written my college application essay but I'm not sure if it's finalized. Are there any good resources/strategies for editing and reviewing? I'm pretty nervous about this and would appreciate any advice!

a year ago

Hi there! I totally understand how you might be feeling nervous about your college application essay, but you are already being proactive by seeking out credible editors. Here are a few resources and strategies to help you with editing and reviewing:

1. Ask for feedback from trusted individuals: Share your essay with teachers, counselors, or family members who have good writing skills and can provide constructive feedback. Be open to their suggestions and make changes accordingly.

2. Peer review: Consider sharing your essay with friends or classmates who are also applying to college. They can provide a fresh perspective and may notice things that you might have missed.

3. Online resources: There are various online resources that can help you with editing, such as grammar and punctuation checkers like Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, and the built-in features within Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Additionally, CollegeVine offers free peer essay reviews and paid professional reviews through their platform, which you can learn more about here:

4. Read your essay out loud: This can help you catch any awkward phrasings or grammatical errors that you might have missed during your initial read-throughs. It can also help you assess the overall flow and tone of your essay.

5. Take breaks and revisit your essay: Editing and revising can sometimes feel overwhelming, so take breaks between reviewing sessions and approach your essay with a fresh mind. This can help you catch any lingering errors and ensure your essay is polished.

a year ago

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