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Undergraduate Research Conference at UCLA: How to Get Involved?

Hi there! I heard about the Undergraduate Research Conference at UCLA and it sounds like an incredible opportunity to present research and network with other students. Can someone tell me more about it and how I can get involved?

a year ago

Hello! The Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) at UCLA is indeed an excellent opportunity for students to present their research projects and connect with like-minded peers. It's hosted annually by the Undergraduate Research Center and typically comprises poster, oral, and creative presentations across multiple disciplines.

To get involved, you'll want to follow these steps:

1. Get involved in research: If you aren't already participating in a research project, you should start looking for opportunities. Reach out to professors in your field of interest, join research-based clubs, or apply for relevant internships. UCLA even has the Undergraduate Research Center, which can help connect you to potential research opportunities.

2. Develop your project: Work closely with your research advisor or mentor to develop a compelling project that can be submitted for the URC. Make sure you're meeting deadlines, conducting foundational research, and staying focused on your topic.

3. Prepare your proposal: Once you have a solid project idea, you'll need to prepare a proposal that summarizes what you hope to accomplish through your research and how it contributes to your field. Pay close attention to the guidelines and deadlines provided by the URC for submitting proposals.

4. Register for the conference: As the conference date approaches, make sure to register as a presenter and submit any required materials ahead of the deadline.

5. Prepare your presentation: Work on your oral presentation, poster, or creative display, ensuring that it is well-organized and visually appealing. Practice your presentation skills and be prepared to answer questions from attendees.

6. Attend and present: Finally, attend the URC and present your research. Make sure to network with other students and take advantage of any workshops or other events offered during the conference.

Being part of the Undergraduate Research Conference at UCLA is a great way to showcase your dedication and achievements while networking with fellow students and faculty members. Stay committed and proactive, and you should be able to secure a position in the conference. Good luck!

a year ago

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