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Best science awards for high school students?

Hello everyone! I'm currently a junior and really passionate about science. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any prestigious science awards or competitions that high school students can participate in? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're looking for prestigious science awards and competitions for high school students. Here are a few well-regarded options for you to explore:

1. Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS): STS is considered one of the most prestigious science research competitions for high school seniors in the U.S. You can submit independent research projects and compete for significant scholarships.

2. Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF): ISEF is a global pre-college science competition, where high school students around the world showcase their independent research and compete for various awards.

3. USA Biology Olympiad (USABO): If you're interested in biology, this is a fantastic opportunity for high-achieving high school students to represent the United States in the International Biology Olympiad.

4. Chemistry Olympiad (USNCO): Similar to the Biology Olympiad, the Chemistry Olympiad offers high-achieving high school students the chance to showcase their skills in chemistry and represent the United States in the International Chemistry Olympiad.

5. Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS): JSHS is a research competition designed for high school students that allows them to present their independent STEM research for evaluation and scholarship opportunities.

These are just a few examples of the many science competitions available for high school students. To find more opportunities, I recommend searching for local and regional STEM-focused events in your area. You could also consider reaching out to the science teachers at your school, as they may have some suggestions of opportunities students in the past have pursued.

Best of luck in your science endeavors!

a year ago

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