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Top College for Studying Interior Design

I'm passionate about interior design and want to study it in college. What universities are known for their exceptional interior design programs?

7 days ago

While there are numerous institutions that offer strong programs in Interior Design, some tend to stand out due to factors like their faculty, facilities, internship opportunities, and alumni networks. Here are few particularly notable ones:

1. Parsons School of Design (New School) in New York: It's one of the premier design schools in the world and offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Interior Design. The curriculum combines theory with practical applications and features a number of hands-on studio courses that allow students to develop their artistic and technical skills.

2. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD): Consistently rated as one of the top design schools, RISD offers a BFA in Interior Architecture. This program focuses on spatial problem-solving and includes principles of design, architecture, and fine arts.

3. Pratt Institute in New York: This school offers an accredited professional BFA in Interior Design which blends architecture, design, and fine art courses. Students gain practical experience through a required internship.

4. California College of the Arts (CCA): Located in San Francisco, CCA offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design that focuses on sustainability, technological innovation, social diversity, and concept-driven design.

5. Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD): SCAD offers majors in Interior Design at the bachelor and master level. The program emphasizes collaboration and real-world experience.

Remember, while these schools have renowned programs, it's essential to also consider factors like location, cost, financial aid, student life, and availability of other majors (in case you decide to switch fields or want to double major). It's also important to visit, if you can, to get a sense of each school's unique character and atmosphere. You might find that you connect much more with one campus over another. This feel for a school can't be gauged from rankings or program descriptions alone.

7 days ago

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