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Best colleges for computer graphic design?

I'm super into graphic design and art, and I'm trying to find the best colleges out there for computer graphic design. Does anyone have recommendations for schools with strong programs and good resources in this field?

2 months ago

Certainly, there are a number of excellent schools known for their strong programs in Computer Graphic Design. Here are some recommendations to consider:

1. California Institute of the Arts (CalArts): CalArts is renowned for its Graphic Design program. It focuses on experimental typography, publication design, brand identity, interactive & web design, and design theory.

2. Rhode Island School of Design (RISD): RISD offers a unique Graphic Design program emphasizing both practical and conceptual skills. Their students often excel in areas like web design, typology, identity branding, and motion graphics.

3. Parsons School of Design: The Graphic Design program at Parsons allows students to explore diverse conceptual and stylistic territories, leveraging digital technology and innovative mediums.

4. Pratt Institute: Pratt's Communications Design program features Graphic Design as a key area of study. This program encourages creative thinking and hands-on design experience.

5. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU): CMU offers a strong Design program where students can focus on Communications. It merges design concepts with emerging technology, ideal for computer graphic design.

6. University of Cincinnati: Their College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning offers a Graphic Communication Design program. It places a strong emphasis on digital techniques and processes.

These schools all have robust design programs, and they typically offer resources like advanced design labs, internships, study abroad options, and opportunities to work on real-world projects. Remember, it's important to visit each school's website to learn more about their specific programs and to see if they align with your interests and career goals. Reach out to the admissions office if you have specific questions. They're more than happy to guide you through!

2 months ago

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