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Ohio's Best Colleges for Biology?

I'm looking at schools in Ohio because of my family there. Which ones have the best reputation for biology? I'm hoping to get involved in undergraduate research from early on.

2 days ago

Considering your interest in biology and undergraduate research, some notable universities in Ohio may cater well to your needs.

1. Ohio State University: With one of the largest campuses in the country, Ohio State offers a comprehensive biology program through its College of Arts and Sciences. The university also provides numerous opportunities for undergraduate research.

2. Case Western Reserve University: Known for its emphasis on research, Case Western has a strong biology department and many opportunities for undergraduate research with faculty.

3. University of Cincinnati: Along with a solid biology program, the University of Cincinnati offers a unique undergraduate research program where students can participate in research projects alongside faculty, providing them with hands-on experience.

4. Oberlin College: While it's a liberal arts college, Oberlin has a strong emphasis on STEM and offers many opportunities for undergraduate research in biology.

Remember, the "best" school often depends not just on program reputation, but also on a comfortable fit for you in terms of size, culture, location, etc. I would recommend considering a visit to these colleges if possible, and perhaps speaking with current students or alumni for more insight into their experiences.

2 days ago

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