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What exactly is a pre-med degree?

Hey guys, I'm thinking about going into medicine and I keep hearing about 'pre-med degrees,' but I'm not really sure what that means. Is it just a major focused on preparing students for medical school, or is there more to it?

9 months ago

A pre-med degree isn't actually a specific major; rather, it refers to a pathway or concentration that prepares undergraduate students for medical school. This path typically involves coursework in the sciences, such as biology, chemistry, and physics, which are all commonly required as prerequisites for medical school admissions. The main goal of a pre-med program is to provide students with the necessary foundation and skills for success in medical school and beyond.

While there's no specific major designated as "pre-med", many schools offer pre-med advising or guidance alongside your chosen major. Students are encouraged to select a major they're passionate about, whether it's within the sciences or not. For instance, you may choose to major in biology, chemistry, or physics, but you could also major in English, psychology, or another field, while completing the necessary prerequisites for medical school.

What's important is that you complete the required courses and maintain a strong academic record, while demonstrating your aptitude and commitment to a career in medicine through extracurricular activities, internships, research, and shadowing experiences. Ultimately, medical schools are interested in well-rounded candidates who have not only excelled academically but also possess the personal qualities needed to become successful healthcare professionals.

So, to summarize, a "pre-med degree" is not a specific major but a pathway designed to help students meet the prerequisites for medical school, regardless of their chosen major. It's crucial to select a major you're interested in and focus on completing the required coursework while gaining relevant experiences in the field of medicine.

9 months ago

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