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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are the popular majors at Liberty University?

Liberty University is on my list and I'd like to know which majors students tend to choose. I'm trying to gauge whether they offer strong programs in areas I'm interested in. Can someone fill me in?

a day ago

Liberty University is well-renowned for several majors, with a particular emphasis on fields that align with its Christian worldview. Here's a glimpse at some of the popular programs at Liberty:

1. Business Administration and Management: Liberty's School of Business has a robust curriculum that equips students with a broad understanding of modern business principles. It also offers numerous specializations, including marketing, finance, and international business.

2. Nursing: The nursing program, including the RN to BSN, is quite popular at Liberty. It prepares students for a rewarding career in healthcare with a unique focus on compassionate care.

3. Psychology: Liberty's psychology program goes beyond core psychological principles to feature a Christian perspective on the field.

4. Criminal Justice: Liberty's criminal justice program helps students build foundational knowledge for careers in law enforcement, legal studies, and social work.

5. Sport and Fitness Management: This program is popular among students who desire a career in sports management, personal training, sport communication, and similar areas.

Remember, popularity doesn't necessarily equate to the quality of the program. You should look into the programs you're interested in and consider factors such as faculty expertise, course curriculum, extracurricular opportunities, and post-graduation support. Good luck with your selection process!

a day ago

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