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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What university has the most students on campus?

I’m looking into colleges with high campus populations because I want a bustling college experience. Which universities have the most students physically present on campus? Definitely looking for any recommendations.

20 hours ago

Sure, there are several large universities that are known for having a high student population on campus. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Ohio State University (OSU): Ohio State University, located in Columbus, Ohio, is historically known for its large on-campus population. With an overall student population exceeding 50,000 and one of the largest campuses in the U.S., it can definitely provide a bustling college experience.

2. University of Central Florida (UCF): UCF is another university known for its large student body. Like OSU, the student population here also pushes past 50,000, and their suburban campus might create a different atmosphere than OSU's urban one.

3. Texas A&M University: With over 50,000 students enrolled and a sprawling campus located in College Station, Texas A&M also offers a thriving and interactive environment for students.

4. University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin): UT Austin is another excellent example of a university known for its large on-campus student population. With more than 50,000 students, the school also has a vibrant and lively off-campus scene.

Remember, while a bustling college campus can provide a invigorating social experience, it’s crucial to ensure that the academic programs offered align with your educational goals.

20 hours ago

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