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SAT: 720 math
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Top Majors at Ohio State University?

Ohio State University is on my list of potential colleges, and I'm curious about the most popular majors. Which programs do students often choose and why? I'd love some insight from current students or alumni.

10 hours ago

Ohio State University (OSU) is a large institution with a variety of programs, offering over 200 undergraduate majors. The ones that most students tend to gravitate towards include:

1. Business: Consistently a favorite at many large universities, OSU is no different. Their Fisher College of Business offers numerous specializations like accounting, finance, or marketing and attracts many due to its reputable faculty and strong networking opportunities.

2. Biological Sciences: OSU's robust research opportunities and strong faculty make Biological Sciences another popular pick. This is also a typical choice for students planning on continuing to medical or graduate school.

3. Engineering: OSU's College of Engineering offers a wide range of majors, from mechanical and civil to chemical and aerospace engineering. With state-of-the-art research facilities and strong partnerships with industry leaders, this major sees high enrollment.

4. Psychology: This is another favorite among students, particularly those interested in pursuing further study or a career in healthcare or human services.

5. Healthcare Professions: Due to a strong College of Medicine and partnerships with local hospitals, many students choose to pursue health-related programs at OSU, such as nursing and health sciences.

Remember, what's popular doesn't necessarily mean it's the best fit for you. It's also very important to consider a college major based on your personal interests, career goals, and academic strengths.

10 hours ago

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