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University essay examples

Hey everyone, I'm starting to work on my college essays and feeling a bit stuck. Does anyone know where I can find some successful university essay examples for inspiration? Preferably personal statements, but really anything would help in getting the creative juices flowing!

a year ago

Hi there! I understand the challenge of starting your college essays and finding inspiration. There are a few resources where you can find successful university essay examples:

1. College websites: Many colleges and universities publish successful application essays on their official websites or admissions blogs. For example, Johns Hopkins University shares a selection of essays that worked on their website each year. Additionally, you can check websites like MIT Admissions Blogs and Yale's Admission Blog for more essay examples.

2. CollegeVine's Essay Guides: CollegeVine offers a comprehensive Essay Breakdown series that analyzes real essay prompts and provides examples and tips for different colleges. You can find them on the CollegeVine blog. The site also has a catalog of real essays to dozens of schools that you can refer to for inspiration:

3. Books: There are books specifically dedicated to showcasing successful college essays. Some popular options include "50 Successful Harvard Application Essays" and "100 Successful College Application Essays" by the Harvard Independent. These books can be found at bookstores, libraries, or online retailers.

4. Online communities: Websites like Reddit and College Confidential often have threads where students share their successful essays. Just keep in mind the validity of these essays cannot always be confirmed, so make sure to cross-reference and use material from reliable sources.

Remember, it's important to approach these examples with the right mindset. It's perfectly fine to read them for inspiration, but make sure not to copy or emulate them too closely. Your personal statement should be a unique reflection of your experiences, values, and growth.

Happy writing!

a year ago

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