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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Need Info on Pitt's BS/MD Program

Hey there, fellow students! I'm very interested in the University of Pittsburgh's BS/MD program. Can anyone shed some light on the application process, requirements, and overall program experience? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi! The University of Pittsburgh's BS/MD program, also known as the Guaranteed Admissions Program (GAP), is a highly selective and prestigious program designed for high-achieving high school seniors interested in pursuing a medical career. Here's some information on the application process, requirements, and program experience:

Application Process:

1. Submit the University of Pittsburgh's undergraduate admission application, and indicate an interest in the Guaranteed Admissions Program in the "MyHealthCare Portfolio" section.

2. Complete the additional GAP-specific essay questions and GAP application form.

3. Submit all necessary transcripts, test scores, and letters of recommendation as required by the university.


1. High academic achievement: Competitive applicants typically have a minimum 3.5 unweighted GPA and 1490 on the SAT or a 33 on the ACT.

2. Complete a minimum of four years of science (biology, chemistry, and physics) and four years of math in high school.

3. Strong commitment to pursuing a medical career: This can be demonstrated through participation in related extracurriculars, internships, research, and/or volunteer experiences in healthcare.

Program Experience:

1. During the first three years of the eight-year program, participants complete their undergraduate studies. Participants are expected to maintain their academic and professional excellence while enrolled in the program.

2. There are enrichment opportunities, like research and shadowing experiences, as well as a support system to guide you through medical school preparation and MCAT studies.

3. Students in GAP are not required to take the MCAT but are encouraged to do so for additional experience and to be considered for merit-based scholarships at the School of Medicine.

4. Upon successful completion of the undergraduate program, participants matriculate directly into the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine without the need to apply through the standard medical school admission process.

Keep in mind that gaining admission to the GAP is highly competitive; only a small number of students are admitted each year. It's essential to demonstrate a strong academic record, dedication to the medical field, and outstanding personal qualities to make a compelling case for your admission. Best of luck!

a year ago

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