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Online Biology Course with Certificate for College Credit

I'm looking to take an online biology course that offers a certificate and potentially college credit. Does anyone know of such courses? I'd love a recommendation for a course that's reputable and thorough.

2 months ago

Firstly, it's great that you're seeking to expand your knowledge in biology, and online courses are an excellent way to accomplish this. There are several platforms and universities that offer online courses with certificates which you can later convert into college credits.

One of the first platforms that comes to mind is Coursera. Coursera partners with several reputable universities to provide online courses across various subjects, including biology. Specifically, Duke University offers an introductory course on Molecular Biology through Coursera, which awards a certificate upon completion.

Also, edX offers a variety of biology courses with certifications from universities such as MIT and Harvard. These courses often have an option to pay for a verified certificate upon completion.

Yet another option is StraighterLine, a platform for online college courses that are guaranteed to transfer to degree programs at their network of accredited colleges and universities. They have an Introduction to Biology course with labs that might be what you're looking for.

One thing to remember, however, is that not all universities accept transfer credits from online courses. Therefore, if you're planning on transferring these credits to a university program, it's crucial to check in advance with the specific university to ensure they'll accept these credits. Each university has its own policy regarding transfer credits, so it's always better to confirm beforehand.

Best of luck on your journey to learning more about biology!

2 months ago

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