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Practicing Job Applications and Interviews as a High School Student

I'm trying to prep for my first job and could use some practice. Where can I find free resources to help me with job applications and interview practice tailored for high school students?

3 hours ago

There are plenty of resources that can help you out with both applications and interview preparations.

To practice filling out job applications, your school's career counseling center may have resources or counselors ready to assist you. They will typically have examples of applications and can guide you through the process of filling them out.

In addition, many online platforms offer free job application and interview training. For instance, Khan Academy provides free online courses on various topics including job application filling, resume writing and interview skills for students. This platform offers step by step guidance and videos that are easy to understand.

For interview practice, practicing common interview questions and answers can be quite effective. You could do a search for common interview questions for high school students and practice your responses with a friend, teacher, or family member. It's not just about knowing the questions, it's also about polishing your responses to make them concise and effective.

Another great resource is the mock interview tool on the Appily website, which simulates real job interviews and provides you with instant feedback on how to improve.

Lastly, don't underestimate local resources. Many community centers or libraries also offer workshops on job applications and interview skills which could be very beneficial.

Remember, the key to a successful application and interview process is preparation and practice. Best of luck on your journey to your first job!

3 hours ago

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