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Job alternatives to teaching for those with a high school education

I really admire teachers but I'm looking for similar job avenues where I could still work with kids or in a learning environment without a teaching degree. Any ideas on what paths I could consider?

3 hours ago

Certainly! There are several jobs you can consider where you work with children or in a learning environment without a teaching degree. Here are a few:

1. Childcare Worker: These professionals take care of children while their parents are away, and they often engage children in activities that are suitable for their age and development.

2. Tutor: If there's a particular subject you are proficient in, you can help students struggling with that subject. Many tutoring positions do not require a teaching degree.

3. Coaching: If you have a background in a certain sport, such as swimming or soccer, you might consider becoming a coach for a community league or a school team.

4. Library Assistant: You would be helping patrons find information and organizing library materials. Some libraries also host events for children, giving you the opportunity to engage with young learners in that capacity.

5. Youth Coordinator at social service agencies: These roles often involve developing and implementing activities for young people, particularly in after-school settings.

6. Camp Counselor: A very seasonal position, but you'll work with children, often teaching them various skills, from arts and crafts to outdoor survival skills depending on the camp's theme.

7. Paraprofessional/Educational aide: In these roles, you’d be supporting teachers and helping students in the classroom.

Remember, some of these jobs might require certification or other specific requirements, so be sure to research each role thoroughly to understand what might be needed.

3 hours ago

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