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What's involved in the military enlistment paperwork?

For those who've gone through the process, what kind of paperwork should I expect when enlisting in the military? Are there forms or documents I should start gathering now to be prepared?

4 hours ago

Enlisting in the military involves several important pieces of paperwork, so it's great that you're thinking ahead about what you need to gather. It's crucial to note, however, that each path to enlistment can vary slightly depending on the branch of service.

1. Military Entrant Processing Station (MEPS): You'll have to visit this outpost for a physical exam, a criminal background check, and an aptitude test known as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). These are not necessarily forms that you provide but are part of the administrative process to enlist.

2. ASVAB Score: As just mentioned, you'll take the ASVAB during your MEPS visit. Your score will impact the Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) available to you, so prepare well for this test.

3. Personal Identification: You'll need to bring your social security card and a valid form of government-issued identification such as a driver’s license or passport.

4. Birth Certificate: The original or certified copy of your birth certificate will be required.

5. High School Diploma or GED: Proving your education level is required, so make sure to have your original or certified copy handy.

6. Marriage License/Separation Documents: If applicable, you'll need to bring these along as well.

7. Dependent Documentation: If you have dependents—children, spouse, etc.—you need to provide documentation like birth certificates or Social Security cards.

8. Medical and Vaccination Records: You'll need to bring along any existing medical records, including vaccination history.

Remember, the military recruitment process can be lengthy and requires rigorous physical and mental screening. The paperwork is just one part of it. If you have any other questions, a recruitment officer is always a good source of information.

4 hours ago

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