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Meeting US Military Enlistment Standards

What are the current standards to qualify for enlisting in the US military? I'm a junior in high school and starting to think about enlistment after graduation. I want to make sure I'm preparing correctly.

3 hours ago

There are indeed several basic qualifications that you need to meet to be eligible to enlist in the U.S. military. These standards guide the physical, moral, academic, and legal eligibility of potential enlistees, and they're pretty similar across all branches including Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force. However, it is important to remember that each branch can have slightly varying standards based on their unique service requirements.

1. Age: Most branches of the military require you to be 17 with parental consent or 18 without consent. The maximum age limit varies from 27 to 39 in different branches of the military.

2. Citizenship: You either have to be a U.S. citizen or a permanent legal resident (Green Card holder).

3. Education: All branches of the U.S. military require a high school diploma, though occasionally GEDs or other equivalents are accepted depending on several factors. However, it's generally much easier to enlist with a normal high school diploma.

4. Physical Fitness: Military service is physically demanding, so a baseline level of physical fitness is required. Each branch of the military has specific physical requirements and tests to measure your fitness level, like push-ups, sit-ups, and timed running.

5. Medical Standards: There are medical requirements too, so you'll need to undergo a medical exam as part of the enlistment process. They will check for things like eyesight, hearing, physical ailments, mental health, and substance use among others.

6. Legal Standards: Generally, a clean legal record is essential. Felonies and certain types of misdemeanors can disqualify you from military service.

7. ASVAB Test: Lastly, you need to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test and achieve a minimum score, which will also help determine what kind of jobs you are most suited for in the military.

Before making any decisions, it's always recommended to get in touch with a local recruiter who can give the most accurate and up-to-date information. They will provide necessary guidance and help you understand the enlistment process in detail. It's also important to remember that while meeting these standards may make you eligible to enlist, the selection process can still be competitive depending on the demand and needs of the military at any given time.

3 hours ago

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