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Enlisting as a Native American in the Military

Are there any special programs or considerations for Native Americans looking to enlist in the military? I'm part of a tribe and wondering if that affects the enlistment process or offers any unique opportunities.

3 hours ago

When considering military service, your Native American heritage can indeed open up a variety of unique programs and benefits. Firstly, all branches of the military uphold policies of equal opportunity, ensuring a non-discriminatory environment for all recruits, regardless of their race or heritage.

It's also noteworthy that there's a long history of Native American service in the military, with Native Americans serving at a higher rate per capita than any other ethnic group. This is recognized and honored within the military community.

In terms of specific opportunities, many Native American veterans become eligible for certain benefits. For example, the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) provides Native American Direct Loan (NADL) Program, a home loan program aimed to help Native American Veterans or their spouses purchase, construct, or improve homes on Federal Trust Land.

Another unique opportunity lies in education support. Military service may make you eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill, providing financial support for education and housing. Some tribes also have additional education assistance programs specifically for their members who serve or have served.

You might also find opportunities for maintaining and sharing your culture within the military. For instance, in the Army there's the American Indian/Alaska Native Commissioned Officer Advisory Committee, aimed at acknowledging and preserving the diverse cultures within the military.

Remember, when enlisting, you're not required to declare your ethnicity. But if you choose to identify as a Native American, it can provide you with access to these unique programs and resources. Always be sure to explore all opportunities available to you and speak with a recruiter about these programs to get the most up-to-date and accurate information.

3 hours ago

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