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How many high school graduates find jobs post-graduation?

For those of us graduating soon, what percentage typically finds a job right after high school? Is it hard to get a job after graduating without additional education or training?

5 hours ago

The employment rate for recent high school graduates varies each year depending on several factors such as the economy and job market. Recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that about 69% of high school graduates were employed soon after graduation.

However, remember that not all jobs are the same, and the types of jobs available to high school graduates oftentimes may be entry-level positions or in fields that do not require specialized training or education. While it might not be challenging to find a job per se, finding a job with growth potential and higher pay could prove more difficult without additional education or training.

Additionally, many students instead choose to pursue further education through college, trade schools, or certification programs, viewing this as an investment in their future earning potential. This isn't to say you can't have a successful career right after high school, but many individuals opt for further training to increase their opportunities.

It's also worth considering the specific field or industry you are interested in. Some fields might have more available opportunities for high school graduates than others. For example, many successful trades, like electricians or plumbers, require more of an apprenticeship or certification rather than a four-year degree.

Hope this helps! Wherever your path takes you, remember there is no one size fits all approach and everyone's career trajectory is unique.

5 hours ago

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