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Looking for High School Part-Time Jobs in Philadelphia

I'm a high school student in Philadelphia hoping to find a part-time job to gain some work experience. Does anyone know which places are hiring or have tips on how to apply effectively as a high schooler?

5 hours ago

Absolutely! First, remember that some popular jobs for teens include working in food service like restaurants and cafés, grocery stores, retail shops, and occasional babysitting or after-school tutoring. In Philadelphia, consider larger chains like Starbucks, McDonald's, CVS, or your local supermarket since they tend to be more accommodating to teen schedules.

To apply:

1. Make sure your schedule is open. Most teen jobs will require you to work after school and on weekends.

2. Create a resume, even if you haven't had a job before. It can include any volunteer work or extracurriculars you've participated in, such as leadership roles in clubs or sports teams. These activities demonstrate teamwork, leadership, and commitment.

3. Dress appropriately for interviews, and be prepared with some basic interview questions. Remember to thank the manager for their time and consider sending a follow-up email expressing your ongoing interest in the position.

In terms of finding job postings, websites like Indeed, Appily, and LinkedIn are great resources. You can also ask around your school--some school counselors may be aware of job opportunities in your local area specifically for high school students. Don't forget to check out local bulletin boards at community centers or libraries too!

Lastly, one underrated job search method is simply walking into businesses and asking if they are hiring. Especially with local, smaller businesses, they might not post job offerings online. Showing initiative can make a good impression!

5 hours ago

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