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Summer Job Opportunities for High Schoolers from the Philadelphia Bar Association

I'm interested in exploring law and heard about summer job programs for high school students through the Philadelphia Bar Association. Can anyone share more details about these opportunities or how to apply?

5 hours ago

The Philadelphia Bar Association has several programs aimed at introducing high school students to the legal profession. In particular, the "Summer in the City" program holds legal educational sessions for students interested in law. This program typically brings in a number of local judges, attorneys, and law professors who provide insights into their professions through workshops and interactive sessions.

These programs are not typically job opportunities, but rather educational experiences that can certainly be added to your resume as an extracurricular activity.

Applications can usually be found on the association's website. You'll typically need to provide some basic contact information, a student profile, and an essay on why you're interested in the law field. It's always beneficial to also discuss how you plan to use what you learn in your future academic and career plans.

While this program does not provide a traditional job experience, it does offer a chance for students to learn about the field of law. You could also consider finding a part-time role at a local law firm, even in a supporting role like administrative work, as a way to supplement this experience and learn more on-the-job skills.

Remember, even though these are not typical jobs, they demonstrate your interest and commitment to pursuing a career in law and are therefore valuable experiences to include on your college applications.

5 hours ago

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