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Can aliens become citizens through military enlistment?

I've read that enlisting in the U.S. military can lead to citizenship if you're not already a citizen. Does anyone know how this process works, and if there are any specific requirements?

6 hours ago

Yes, non-citizens can indeed pursue U.S. citizenship by serving in the military, though there are some conditions to be aware of. It's important to note that this path is open to lawful permanent residents, also known as green card holders, not illegal alien(s).

The process usually begins with enlisting in the military. Possessing a green card is typically a prerequisite for this, although there are exceptions for individuals with skills considered to be vital to the national interest.

After completing initial entry training, these service members are then eligible to apply for expedited naturalization, a process that could take just a matter of months. It's called expedited because the usual five-year residency requirement to apply for citizenship is waived for these individuals.

However, to successfully naturalize, they will still have to pass the standard civics and English language tests, in addition to demonstrating good moral character. Lastly, keep in mind that this is a complex process that can involve navigating both military and immigration regulations, so it may be worthwhile to seek assistance from a knowledgeable professional or a nonprofit that specializes in assisting immigrants in the military.

6 hours ago

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