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Does the military have marketing jobs for enlisted personnel?

Are there marketing-related roles available in the military for those who enlist? I'm interested in marketing and want to know if it's possible to pursue that while also serving.

2 days ago

Yes, the military does offer roles related to marketing for enlisted personnel. For example, the U.S. Air Force has a specific job category called Public Affairs (3N0X1) which encompasses roles related to marketing, journalism, and public relations. These personnel are responsible for telling the Air Force story through different mediums, including social media, online, print, and broadcasting.

Similarly, the U.S. Army has the Psychological Operations Specialist (37F) which involves communicating with local populations to convey information and influence their behavior. This role is considered to have some marketing elements, as it requires understanding and leveraging the psychology of an audience, just like in marketing.

Remember, once enlisted, the military offers educational benefits, including tuition assistance and the GI Bill, which can be used to further your education in marketing.

It's also recommended to speak with a local recruiter, as they can provide detailed information about what roles are currently available and the requirements for each.

2 days ago

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