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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Quitting My Part-Time Job to Focus on High School?

I'm currently juggling a part-time job and my high school studies, but I'm finding it hard to keep up. Is it a good idea to quit my job to focus more on school, or should I try to manage both for the experience?

4 hours ago

Striking a balance between academics and part-time work can certainly be demanding. If you find yourself consistently stressed out and if it's impacting your grades or well-being, it may indeed be better to leave your part-time job to focus on your studies.

From an admissions perspective, colleges do value students who demonstrate responsibility and diligence through having part-time jobs. However, academics are key: If your job is drastically impacting your high school performance, it might be worth reconsidering. Good grades, more involvement in extracurricular activities, and a well-rounded profile often carry more weight in the admission process.

It's also worth noting that other activities like volunteering, being part of school events, clubs, or sports might give you similar or even better experience and skills. A grinding job could potentially prevent you from exploring such opportunities.

In the end, the decision should depend on whether you feel you're growing from the job and if you can cope with excelling academically while working. Remember, your well-being and academic performance should always be a priority. This is a personal decision and you should consider all aspects before making the final call.

4 hours ago

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