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High school summer jobs in Raleigh, NC

I'm a high school student in Raleigh and I'm looking for a summer job. Does anyone know of any good opportunities or places that typically hire high schoolers during the summer here?

5 hours ago

Raleigh, NC is home to many diverse businesses and services, so there are plenty of options for summer jobs for high schoolers!

One area to consider is retail. Many clothing stores, bookstores, and other retail establishments often hire high school students for the summer. These jobs can offer good customer service experience, which can be useful in many future career paths.

Another popular option is food service. Restaurants and cafes usually have a surge in customers over the summer, so they might be looking for additional staff. Fast food establishments are also frequently open to hiring high schoolers.

You might also be interested in tutoring. If you excel in a particular subject, you could offer your services to younger students who might be enrolled in summer classes or looking to get a head start on the next school year.

Additionally, Raleigh has several parks and recreational spaces where you could find employment. City or county departments might hire teens as summer camp counselors, lifeguards, or for general park maintenance jobs.

Remember to also consider places like car washes, movie theaters, and grocery stores. They often hire high school students as well.

Start by creating a resume highlighting any previous work experience and skills you have developed through school and extracurricular activities. Then, start reaching out to these places either in person or online to see if they are hiring.

I hope you find a job that suits your interests and schedule!

5 hours ago

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