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What's a realistic job for a high schooler?

As a high school junior, I'm looking for a job that fits my schedule and skill set. What are some realistic job options for students like me trying to manage school and work?

4 hours ago

There are quite a few job opportunities for high school students that are flexible and can cater to your busy schedule. They could also provide you with a good introduction to the working world and some valuable experiences. I'll list a few options.

1. Hospitality Worker: Many part-time jobs can be found in the hospitality industry. Think barista, restaurant host, busser, or cashier. These positions often have flexible schedules, including the possibility for weekend or evening shifts that don't conflict with school.

2. Tutor: If you excel in a particular subject, you could find work as a peer tutor. Often, school districts or community centers have programs in place for this, or you could go the informal route and market your services on your own.

3. Retail work: Retail stores, like clothing or grocery stores, often hire high school students. You might work as a stockist, cashier, or customer service representative. Jobs like these can be a good way to learn about customer service and business operations.

4. Babysitter/Nanny: If you enjoy working with kids, babysitting or nannying is another flexible job to consider. Many families require after-school care, which could fit into your schedule perfectly.

5. Landscaping work: Seasonal jobs like this can be great for getting outside and staying active. Yard work can be especially plentiful in the fall and spring, when there's a lot to be done to keep properties in shape.

6. Animal Care: You might consider part-time work at a kennel, veterinary office, or doggy daycare if you love working with pets. Or, of course, you might start a dog walking or pet sitting business in your neighborhood.

7. Administrative work: Some businesses hire high school students for entry-level office admin work. This could include answering phones, scheduling appointments, or filing paperwork. While not as common, it’s a unique choice that could help you build professional skills early on.

Remember, balance is key. You want to make sure you are still able to keep up with your academic work and extracurricular activities, so don't take on more than you can handle.

4 hours ago

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