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How to explain a reason for leaving a high school job?

I'm updating my resume and not sure how to best describe the reason for leaving my previous high school job. Any advice on how to phrase it positively? I want to seem responsible and growth-oriented.

5 hours ago

Sure! It's all about presentation. Keep the tone positive and focused on what you gained from the job, even if you left due to less-than-ideal circumstances.

Here are a few general phrases you can adjust to fit your situation:

1. Sought new challenges - Indicates you've surpassed the challenges of the former job and now seek to master more complex ones.

2. Pursued an opportunity more aligned with academic/career interests - Shows that you are focused on your long-term career goals.

3. Focused on academics - Conveys that education is your top priority.

Example: "I appreciated the skills and experiences I gained during my time at [Workplace], but decided to leave to focus more on my academics."

Remember, potential employers understand that student jobs are often transient in nature and largely approached as learning experiences. As long as you frame your reason in a positive and responsible manner, they'll appreciate your transparency and growth-oriented mindset.

5 hours ago

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